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A Limited Hangout on Vaccine Harms

A Limited Hangout on Vaccine Harms

Well, it’s finally happened. The New York Times (NYT) has acknowledged COVID vaccine harms. In a major piece written by their top pandemic reporter, Apoorva Mandavilli, the paper has written of “thousands” the world over who have experienced when it is more like...

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Increasing capital gains tax?

Increasing capital gains tax?

The average capital gains tax in developed countries is 19.55%.  With the budget this week by the Federal Government, it increases the maximum Capital Gains rate from taxing 50% on the gain, to 66.67%.  For high income earnings, who are at a marginal tax rate of 48%,...

The Smallwood Solution

The Smallwood Solution

$875,000 for every indigenous man, woman and child living in a rural First Nations community. That is approximately what Canadian taxpayers will have to pay if a report commissioned by the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is accepted. According to the report 349...