Results for "Joseph q"

Clarifying Duty to Consult

Clarifying Duty to Consult

How can we achieve Indigenous economic reconciliation when the legal system perpetuates endless legal grievances and challenges?  Case in point is a recent court ruling in British Columbia that could have serious negative effects on developments in provinces that...

Manitoba Needs to Up its Mining Game

Manitoba Needs to Up its Mining Game

There is some good news for mining in Manitoba, but the province needs to reform its mining policies for the sector to thrive.  Despite some progress over the years, this province still has a hostile climate for investment and this needs to change.  Vale recently...

Put the Brakes on Senate Reform

Put the Brakes on Senate Reform

Canada needs to finally have a conversation about Senate reform before politicians and interest groups transform the institution without the participation of average citizens.  The federal government has introduced a bill in the Senate that would formally recognize...

Featured News

Propaganda Rules the World

One of the greatest books that explain how the world works is Propaganda by Edward Bernays. The man dubbed “the father of public relations” applied the psychological ideas of his uncle Sigmund Freud upon the masses, triggering their basic motivations to the benefit of...

The End of Nuance

The End of Nuance

George W. Bush said famously to Congress after the 9-11 terrorist attack, “Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” Similarly, George Orwell said in 1942 that “in practice, ‘he that is not with...

Black on Canada’s Proud Black History

Black on Canada’s Proud Black History

Did you learn any Black history in Black History Month? February came and went in Canada with few high-profile offerings, except a nod to a pioneering black athlete there and a slogan or commercial there. Black organizations sued the Canadian Human Rights Commission...