Results for "china"

Anti-Lockdown Goes Mainstream

Anti-Lockdown Goes Mainstream

It’s a shift worth marking. New York Magazine is featuring an article called “COVID Lockdowns Were a Giant Experiment. It Was a Failure.” The authors are two excellent journalists, Joe Nocera and Bethany McLean, who have also written a new book called “The Big Fail,”...

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The Ultimate Outsourcing – Population

The Ultimate Outsourcing – Population

For the last 22 years, I have been a senior immigration official and immigration consultant.  In that time, I have seen successive governments steadily and sharply increase the numbers of immigrants being brought into Canada from about 120,000 in the 1990s, to over...

Trade with Mercosur: Opportunities for Canada

Trade with Mercosur: Opportunities for Canada

In November 2018, Canada and Mercosur opened negotiations for a free trade agreement. The Mercosur, composed of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay (Venezuela is a suspended member from 2016), represents a bloc representing a GDP of over $3 trillion and a...

CUSMA the New NAFTA: Boon or Bane For Canada?

CUSMA the New NAFTA: Boon or Bane For Canada?

In 1994, the United States, Mexico and Canada created a free-trade region with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Considering the fact that the USA is the largest economy in the world (from 1994 to present), NAFTA was a true asset for the Canadian...

What Comes Next after Bitcoin Mainstreaming?

What Comes Next after Bitcoin Mainstreaming?

Underneath all the media brouhaha and institutional focus on bitcoin, a struggle is brewing in the crypto world: which altcoin will pick up the baton? A fierce competition is underway for the podium, with Ethereum having a clear first-mover advantage. Bitcoin, as...