Results for "Peter Best"

The Supreme Court of Canada Restoule Decision

The Supreme Court of Canada Restoule Decision

In its July Restoule decision the Supreme Court of Canada, with the support of the Trudeau Liberal government (“Canada”) and the Province of Ontario (“Ontario”), continued its relentless attack on the sovereignty of our elected governments, our social unity and legal...

Featured News

Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

Time to End Section 35?

Time to End Section 35?

Canada achieved it’s now-waning state of greatness through the application in its governance of over a century of classic liberal social, economic and political principles. Liberalism, (not to be confused with the illiberal dogmatism practised by the Liberal Party of...

The Myth of Indigenous Law in Canada

The Myth of Indigenous Law in Canada

In a recent Globe and Mail article, two lawyers, one a Toronto law professor and the other an Indigenous member of the Indigenous Bar Association,  advanced the benignly racist argument that Canada should appoint a Supreme Court Justice on the basis of his or her...