Results for "multiculturalism"

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The Legacy of Pierre Elliott Trudeau

The Legacy of Pierre Elliott Trudeau

The legacy of Pierre Elliott Trudeau is a controversial one. Some of us who lived through his years of leadership worship the man--others still despise him for The National Energy Program and The War Measures Act. Nevertheless, every Canadian knows his name. His is...

Some Good News about Race

Some Good News about Race

We are often told that Canada and the U.S.A. are racist societies. Minority activists denounce white society and demand compensatory measures. Black Lives Matter in Canada declares that “Black Power Matters.” In the United States, Black Lives Matter campaign against...

Who Can Save Free Speech?

Who Can Save Free Speech?

The first amendment of the Constitution of the United States of American states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the...

Islam and Freedom of Religion

Islam and Freedom of Religion

Islam is difficult for Westerners to understand because we view it through our own cultural categories. Our categories have been formed by the post-Enlightenment and post-industrial revolution in the West. Modern Western society has been organized on the basis of...

David Suzuki and the rise of New Xenophobia

David Suzuki made a statement that Canada’s immigration policy is disgusting and that the country is already full. He implies that the environment will be harmed by more people in Canada and that immigration inevitably translates into an irreplaceable loss of skill to the countries of origin. People reject newcomers for a variety of reasons, but Suzuki’s fears are not the old-fashioned xenophobia with which we are all familiar.