Results for "china"

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Rejecting Carbon Colonialism

Rejecting Carbon Colonialism

We recently explained how Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) use manmade climate change alarmism to justify lending policies that reject funding for fossil fuel electricity generation, promote expensive and unreliable renewable sources, and thereby help keep...

Questions for Trans Mountain Opponents

Questions for Trans Mountain Opponents

Many opponents of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion justify their opposition by citing concerns about climate change and carbon emissions, but this raises some important questions.  What about coal? Vancouver is North America's largest exporter of coal, one-third...

Is Western Civilization Worth Defending?

Is Western Civilization Worth Defending?

“An anthropologist is someone who respects the distinctive values of every culture but his own. We in the West are all anthropologists now.” --Roger Kimball, The Fortunes of Permanence: Culture and Anarchy in an Age of America-- Soon after arriving at McGill...

Some Good News about Race

Some Good News about Race

We are often told that Canada and the U.S.A. are racist societies. Minority activists denounce white society and demand compensatory measures. Black Lives Matter in Canada declares that “Black Power Matters.” In the United States, Black Lives Matter campaign against...

From Fish Marketing to Co-op

From Fish Marketing to Co-op

Many people expected that the end of the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation (FFMC) monopoly would lead to a disaster in Manitoba. It has not--fortunately. In fact, this move by the government may re-vitalize the Indigenous commercial fisheries in the northern part...