Results for "woke"

Is Your Church Going Woke? And Why it Matters.

Is Your Church Going Woke? And Why it Matters.

The “woke” phenomenon seems to be everywhere these days. Universities, businesses and government agencies annually spend millions of dollars to promote wokeness, which, in those settings goes under the well-known DEI acronym: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Like the...

Submarine Disaster a Woke Object Lesson

Submarine Disaster a Woke Object Lesson

    The death of five people in the Titan submarine southeast of Newfoundland provides an unfortunate object lesson for our society. When ideals overrule practicality, the cost can be fatal. OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush brought four passengers with him in the...

Featured News

The End of Nuance

The End of Nuance

George W. Bush said famously to Congress after the 9-11 terrorist attack, “Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” Similarly, George Orwell said in 1942 that “in practice, ‘he that is not with...

The Tale of Two Teachers

The Tale of Two Teachers

At L.A. Matheson, a high school in Surrey, B.C., a poster in Annie Ohana’s classroom suggests society is too moralistic about sex work, the quote coming from an avowed Satanist. National Post writer Jamie Sarkonak described her classroom in this way: “The walls are...