Results for "china"

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Air Canada Needs Travellers, Not Bailouts

A year and a half into the COVID-19 pandemic, the only thing keeping Air Canada alive is the federal-government bailouts. They are delaying the inevitable and sensible way out: cutting travel restrictions, encouraging tourism by ensuring effective containment and...

Public Good Research

In this new global world, is there not a need to fund Ag Canada and the National Research Council to perform this type of foundation building research that can launch new innovations into our economy?

Environmentalist Power Trips Harm Poor Countries: Kyoto Protocol expiration won’t provide reality check

The real danger is treaties, laws, regulations and taxes imposed in the name of preventing global-warming catastrophes that exist only in computer models, horror movies and environmentalist press releases. These political schemes will exacerbate and perpetuate poverty, disease, unemployment and economic stagnation. That is neither just nor sustainable.