Results for "Rodney clifton"

Bill 64 is Dead, but Reform still Required

Bill 64 is Dead, but Reform still Required

BILL 64 is dead. There is little doubt that many Manitobans were delighted when interim Premier Kelvin Goertzen tolled its death knell. Instead of dancing around the bill’s funeral pyre, government members need to seriously review the Manness/MacKinnon commission...

Was there a cultural genocide in Canada as claimed in the Truth and Reconciliation Report?  Mass graves at residential schools?   An interview with Professor Rodney Clifton, co-editor of “From Truth Comes Reconciliation: Assessing the Truth and Reconciliation...

Featured News

Should the Manitoba Government Only Support Childcare?

Should the Manitoba Government Only Support Childcare?

Late last August, Susan Prentice and Jesse Hajer claimed that childcare is “an austerity victim.” In short, they say that childcare had been inadequately funded by the PC government. With advice to the in-coming NDP government, they argue that spending more money on...

Bill 35 Doesn’t Go Far Enough

Bill 35 Doesn’t Go Far Enough

  In a recent op-ed (Winnipeg Free Press, May 2, A7), my colleague from the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba, John Wiens, argued that Bill 35, The Education Administration Amendment Act, goes too far. He claims that “it begins to look like just one...