Results for "Residential"

Can We Talk About Racism?

Can We Talk About Racism?

Doug Cuthand, a columnist who writes on Indigenous issues for the Saskatoon Star-Pheonix, once wrote a piece that apparently bothered many non-Indigenous readers, excoriate as it did the treatment of First Nations people by “white” society. Among other things, he...

Sub-metering Hydro’s Excess Electricity

Sub-metering Hydro’s Excess Electricity

The world’s economy continues to grow every year by between 2 and 4%.  From when civilization began, 5,000 years ago, the production of energy remains an important factor to continued growth.   In these environmentally conscious times, efforts are intensifying to...

Taking Control of the English Language

Taking Control of the English Language

If you are an activist who wants to persuade your fellow citizens of the correctness of your views, the first thing you should do is take control of the English language. Change the meanings of words so that your enemies can be accused of any crime and your side can...

A Wake up Call For Canada

A Wake up Call For Canada

Canada’s recent federal election result exposes intractable challenges dating from confederation in 1867. Wexit could allow Alberta to escape from a burden somewhat resembling the maladministration that afflicted Argentina, once the world’s equal richest country. For...

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