Results for "china"

COVID-19 Panic Worse Than Disease

COVID-19 Panic Worse Than Disease

General George S. Patton once proclaimed, “Fear kills more people than death!” That makes as much sense (or not) as something Yogi Berra said: “No one goes to that restaurant anymore; it’s too crowded.” These days no one goes to the restaurant because the government...

Canada Was No Stranger to Epidemics

Canada Was No Stranger to Epidemics

They called it the Spanish Lady and it was a killer. In March 1918, in the fourth year of a war in which the Allies were in retreat from a German onslaught, a new and horrible disease landed on the shores of eastern North America.  The killer was a new strain of...

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Schools Need Diversity of Thought

If you visit the website of any Canadian teachers’ union, you might think that all teachers reside on the far left of the political spectrum.  For example, the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) is not shy about taking left-leaning stands on controversial...