Commentary from the Progressive Front

Why we need more Pipelines in North America.
Published on January 11, 2012

Over at the progressive Grist, there is an interesting commentary today about the strategic risks associated with three different “choke points” in the international oil market.

Is it possible that this analysis is demonstrating the compelling reason to complete the Northern Gateway Project and the TransCanada pipeline to deliver oil to import dependent refineries in Texas?

The cost of building a pipeline that avoids a war is much less than paying for a conflict on even one one of these ocean routes.  National security is not always about deploying planes, ships and troops.  Sometimes it entails investing money to avoid conflicts.

In the longer term, I agree with some of these progressive commentators.  At some time soon, we have to transition to an economy where hostile, unstable or unreliable regimes do not hold our economies and countries’ hostage.


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