Whatever form they take, MSAs offer a workable alternative to Canada’s increasingly clapped out health-care model.
Year: 1998
Christmas Pudding
Could the world of tinsel and merriment that now surrounds us be merely a sham? If you believe the latest alarums from the poverty industry, trumpeted uncritically by the media, it cloaks a stark reality for the armies of Canada’s poor.
Artificial Sprawl Caused By Property Tax System
Winnipeg is a case study example of artificial urban sprawl with 500 families a year now fleeing its sky-high property tax regime.
Global Positioning Systems
A recent invention will soon revolutionize police services, making them much more effective and less costly. It’s called the Global Positioning System.
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
Wealthy Countries Have Cleaner Environments
TV personality David Suzuki swooped through town last week on his crusade against the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, the stalled treaty that clarifies trading rules between nations.
*Y2K: Computers On LSD?
The millennium bug is coming. And some folks are getting nervous.
The Triumph Of Choice – Telecommunications Deregulation
Two recent developments in the telephone industry will benefit consumers.
Let’s Break up the Big Cities
It sounds like heresy to say so, but maybe the consolidation of the five boroughs into the City of New York, whose 100th anniversary we celebrate this month, wasn’t such a good idea.
MAI Good For Canada
The major provisions of the Multilateral Agreement of Investment need no defence. They are simply common sense rules of fairness.
CRTC Powerless To Regulate Internet
The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission, has carved out a contentious niche for itself as the protector of Canadian culture. It is now turning its attention to the Internet. An attempt to impose such controls on the Internet has a zero chance of success.
Riding The Rails – Via Rail
Passenger train service in Canada, delivered almost exclusively by Via Rail, has reached a “crossroads”, declared a newspaper headline early in September.
Fish Story – The Federal Fish Marketing Corporation
The reasoning behind “single-desk” marketing has always seemed fishy, but the latest follies at the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation confirm that the enterprise has more to worry about than foul odors.
Rethinking the Police
We can never downplay the value of our police. They are “the thin blue line” who perform a critical community function that occasionally has lethal consequences for them. But there is plenty of room for rethinking the structure of Winnipeg’s police services.