The replacement of standardized tests with internal assessments represents a retreat from accountability by the public school system, and helps nobody, including teachers.
Year: 2000
*Profits Or People: A Bogus Dilemma
This talk is dedicated to John Campbell. Most Saturday mornings, on Radio New Zealand, John instructs his listeners, in his very amiable style, about the evils of profits. A self-confessed “liberal leftie”, he tells us that people should come before profits.
*Delivering the NHS Plan
Tony Blair’s new plan for reforming Britain’s National Health Service includes features of the Stockholm model including payment of facilities by results, the purchaser/provider split where both private and public suppliers compete to provide services as well as more consumer information.
*Debating California Electricity Deregulation
California’s deregulated power industry, in which producers can sell electricity for whatever the traffic will bear, was supposed to deliver cheaper, cleaner power.
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Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
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Dr. Illarionov’s 13% solution
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Reforming Financial Management In The Public Sector
Executive Summary In governments across the world, public-sector financial systems are being transformed more fundamentally than at any time in decades. The changes taking place-in governments from Wellington, New Zealand to London, England-respond to a number of...
Manitoba Has Larger Public Sector Than Most
This backgrounder compares and contrasts provincial public administration expenditure patterns across Canada with a special focus on Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Statistics Canada defines public administration in the following way: “This sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in activities of a governmental nature, that is, the enactment and judicial interpretation of laws and their pursuant regulations, and the administration of programs based on them.”
Manitoba Per Capita Health Spending Highest in Canada (FC003)
The Manitoba government spends almost 20% more per capita on health care than the rest of Canada. If per capita spending was at the Canadian average it would spend about $500 million less than it presently does.
Andrei Illarionov, Putin’s Economics Advisor
The Kremlin’s top economics mind and President Putin’s chief advisor interviewed by the Frontier Centre.
Canada Should Keep “First Past The Post” Voting System
There are as many electoral engineers in this world as there are social engineers. They want to devise ingenious systems to advance vague concepts such as “inclusiveness”, while failing to define adequately what that means.
Russians Understand Optimal Size Of Government
Russian President Putin’s chief economic advisor is applying a dose of radical medicine to supercharge that country’s economic growth rate and living standards.
*The Idea Peddlers
The impact of Canadian think tanks on policy and elections has never been greater. We take a look at five of the most influential creators – and marketers – of the ideas shaping our country.
The Moral Case for Private Health Care
Is it possible that Rogers AT&T Wireless knows something about the Canadian psyche that our political leaders don’t?