Year: 2005

The War Against the Car

What would life be like without the automobile. Think about it! The automobile has been an invaluable assest in the advancement of civilization as we know it today. It is not the demon that environmentalists would like us to believe.

Featured News

Fools Rush In

It goes without saying that the federal government will help pay for the recovery of Louisiana and Mississippi. But once the emergencies have been addressed and the disaster-stricken areas are back to normal (or as back to normal as one can hope), lawmakers at the federal and state level should take a sober look at who should be responsible for minimizing the damage of future disasters.

Bike Protectionism

The special interest groups who want to keep inexpensive bikes out of consumers’ hands include the Syndicat des Metallos, which doesn’t like competition from countries where labour gets relatively lower wages (because of underdevelopment).

Think Tanks Changing Their Minds

In the United States, think tanks are hugely effective and a major part of the political debate. They play a constant role and an interactive role with government in terms of where government wants to go and trying to help with the kinds of policy prescriptions and the issues that they need to have looked at by independent people,” Here in Canada, Think-tanks here tend to present research that they have done in the abstraction from the public debate.