Year: 2005

Medicare Status Quo Argument Ailing

Despite the repeated affirmations of the medicare establishment that there is no serious academic research establishing that private care can help lower prices or improve efficiency, all this proves is their ignorance of the very literature they’re citing.

Featured News

Saving Rural Canada: It Takes a Town

If the business, professional and political classes of a small town work together, if they are prepared to take risks, and if they can convince the rest of the citizenry to take risks with them, then that community can tap into emerging technologies and alternative markets to rebrand and revitalize their town.

Free to Drive

It’s no accident that bus and subway riders are mostly young and poor. They take public transit not because it’s the better way, but because they can’t afford to drive. The moment they get a little older and a little better off, they move to the suburbs and buy a car.

Jurassic Twilight – Farm Monopolists

DINOSAURS live. Two have been roaming the Canadian prairies and parts of Australia, respectively, for decades, and are still at it: the two countries' legally enforced wheat-export monopolies. But till when? American farmers think it is time they were extinct. They...

Moveon Beyond Kyoto

Even though it is widely agreed that the Kyoto-mandated reductions will not be sufficient to have any measurable effect on global temperatures, just agreeing to reduce seems “greener” than any solution that relies on technology, since technology is perceived to be the root of all environmental troubles anyway.