Year: 2006

Expert Touts ER Wait Times Online

Johan Hjertqvist hopes that one day soon Canadians will be able to consult with their physicians by e-mail or use the Internet to check on emergency room wait times. It sounds like a pipe dream, but it’s already being done in some European countries. “In Sweden, if...

Featured News

The Grain Industry Restructures

In an unexpectedly daring bid, SaskPool recently offered 1.35 of its shares for each of Agricore’s common shares. Although the takeover bid was labelled as “hostile,” – in other words, not sought or welcomed by Agricore – it does indicate that the grain industry is...

Who is James Hoggan?

For a first-rate demonstration of dishonest manipulation masquerading as investigative journalism, it’s hard to beat The Denial Machine. Without spending one second looking at the science, the CBC crew smeared and discredited the skeptical scientists with corporate associations. Exxon did it. James Hoggan, however, is the real villain.

Show Me the Money

Cross-border sampling results agree with most of the studies that have been done. Farmers just south of the border get paid more for identical wheat and barley crops. The Wheat Board’s so-called price advantage is a chimera.