Year: 2007

Kiwi Fruit for America

Once upon a time, in a country way, way down under, the government dismantled its system of agricultural subsidies and supports. Initially, cries of outrage and disbelief were heard from farmers all across the land. For more than 20 years, farm assistance had steadily...

Featured News

On Religion and the Environment

Greetings, I enjoy receiving the email updates that are sent out from the Frontier Centre. I especially appreciate the work you have done in regard to the global warming bogeyman. Will Rogers said, when he was a kid, that he was always told anyone in America could...

Adaptation, Not Emission Cuts

Government officials from around the world have descended on the Indonesian resort island of Bali for two weeks of climate negotiations. The talk is of a new Kyoto-like treaty, with global caps on emissions of greenhouse gases. But such a treaty would harm the poor,...

Vouchers Look Pretty in Pink

You may have missed the release of the federal Liberal’s Pink Book II last week. Certainly the Liberal Women’s Caucus new women’s platform was overshadowed by other female issues, such as the bizarre allegation that Tory MP James Moore was ogling lingerie models in...

Don’t Fight, Adapt

An Open Letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on climate change. It is signed by more than 100 specialists from around the world — many are leading figures in their fields, from climate science to economics to biology.