Year: 2007

On Religion and the Environment

Greetings, I enjoy receiving the email updates that are sent out from the Frontier Centre. I especially appreciate the work you have done in regard to the global warming bogeyman. Will Rogers said, when he was a kid, that he was always told anyone in America could...

Adaptation, Not Emission Cuts

Government officials from around the world have descended on the Indonesian resort island of Bali for two weeks of climate negotiations. The talk is of a new Kyoto-like treaty, with global caps on emissions of greenhouse gases. But such a treaty would harm the poor,...

Featured News

Transformers: More than Meets the Eye

The path to net zero, based on the much disputed belief that carbon dioxide is a pollution, is more steep and impractical than most people realize. Replacing fossil fuels with clean electricity will require much more power generation and a greatly upgraded grid to...

Inland port urged for Sask.

A Prairie inland port stands to offer Canadians a larger share of the global transportation industry at a more effective cost, while putting Saskatchewan on the map in the Prairie-to-ports gateway that would connect global markets to North America. An inland railway...

A Global Warming Taxonomy of Birds

In the global warming debate there is a popular view that one is either a warmer or a sceptic. But, there is more to it than this, best illustrated by the global warming taxonomy of birds. First there are the geese who believe humans are dramatically changing global...

Happy Birthday, Sir Roger

It’s time to celebrate Sir Roger for his courage and pragmatic, if dramatic, policy leadership. “I don’t put labels on anything,” is a clue to why he was able to dance across the political spectrum and trample stereotypical expectations.

More Ridiculous Ways to Save the Planet

If you’re drinking a cold one as you drive along speed-bump-lined streets from the divorce court to your job as a bagpiper in a music hall lit with incandescent bulbs ... Whew, there should be a special carbon tax just on you. In the past six weeks, several studies —...