Year: 2007

A Tale of Two Telcos

It’s a perfect real life laboratory. Take two similar crown corporations Saskatchewan’s SaskTel and Manitoba’s MTS in 1996 and convert one into an shareholder-owned company. What happened?

A Window on Two Policy Models

Mad scientists could not have designed it if they tried. Over the past decade, telecommunications privatization has played out in a continent-sized laboratory. In the middle of North America, two almost identical companies in the almost identical markets of Manitoba...

Featured News

Propaganda Rules the World

One of the greatest books that explain how the world works is Propaganda by Edward Bernays. The man dubbed “the father of public relations” applied the psychological ideas of his uncle Sigmund Freud upon the masses, triggering their basic motivations to the benefit of...

Confessions of a Global Warming Heretic

Television and newspapers are filled with warnings about the dire consequences of global warming. For instance, in each of two recent consecutive issues of the Leader-Post (June 5 and 6), there were three stories related to this subject. We are told that, over the...

The Good News

Smart Growth has always been a policy in search of justification. It started out as a means of pricing blacks and Hispanics out of white enclaves in the US. It worked then, and still does, but proved “inappropriate”. Then Smart Growthwould “save” productive rural land...

Good Ideas Drowning in Regulation

Politicians love to crow about regulations they enact. They take out advertisements bragging about how tough they are on industries and how they are protecting us. Protecting us? From innovation, productivity, competitiveness, investment, more money in our pockets, a longer life and a cleaner environment? They have got to be kidding.