Year: 2007

China is the Real Environmental Story

Why does Mattel's third recall of China-made toys in less than six weeks prove that concern over global warming is nothing but a luxury that only people in the developed world have the time and lifestyle to indulge? Well, it proves that only indirectly. But it does...

Featured News

Where the Lights Aren’t Bright

You do not have to spend long in the company of a San Jose official before the old photographs come out. Chuck Reed, the mayor, has an aerial view of the city centre from the late 1970s on a wall in his office. Tom McEnery, who held the same post in the 1980s, has a...

Barriers to Manitoba’s Prosperity

These PowerPoint slides accompany the speech by Niels Veldhuis at our March 2, 2007 Breakfast on the Frontier in Winnipeg. This is best viewed concurrently (in a separate window) with the speech video or audio (see related items below). PDF version