Year: 2008

The Smart Growth Bailout?

Yet the bottom line remains: Without smart growth’s land rationing policies, the severe escalation in home prices would never have reached such absurd levels. But the disaster in the highly regulated markets will be with us for years. The smart growth spike in housing prices turned what might have been a normal cyclical downturn into the most disastrous financial collapse since 1929. Now the taxpayers are being asked to bail out the mess that smart growth advocates, no doubt inadvertently, have created.

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Making The World A Billion Times Better

The important point is this: Now that we can model, simulate and reprogram biology just like we can a computer, it will be subject to the law of accelerating returns, a doubling of capability in less than a year. These technologies will be more than a thousand times more capable in a decade, more than a million times more capable in two decades.

To Ottawa, With Love

With the April 30th tax filing deadline looming, Canadians are grappling with the stress and anxiety of completing their tax returns. As we hunker down over our computers and wade through piles of receipts and pages of complicated forms, many will rightly question the...

Overseas Recruiting Important

With Saskatchewan’s strong economy and aging population, hiring workers from overseas is a good way for employers to mitigate the effects of the labour shortage.

That was the message delivered by Linda West, one of the presenters at a meeting organized by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy on Tuesday.

Bryan Schwartz

Bryan Schwartz

“If everyone is beholden to government, if you have a supplicant society, people are hesitant about engaging in free thinking and forthright criticism of government because that’s their funder. The other thing is that if you’re dependent on government you are less likely to think imaginatively and innovatively and cleverly about how to solve your own problems.”

The Myth Of The Level Playing Field

Frankly, an "in-and-out" scheme sounds quaintly titillating. But a possible in-and-out scheme run by the Conservative party in the last federal election promises to dominate question period and national news coverage for the next week or two, perhaps longer. Elections...