Year: 2008

Can We Afford More Wind Power?

PowerPoint slides which accompanied the speech by David Grant at our December 10th, 2008 Breakfast on the Frontier in Winnipeg. This is best viewed concurrently (in a separate window) with the speech audio (see related items below). View PDF version of slides

Kyoto Is Worthless (and you don’t have to be a skeptic to believe that now)

This fabricated market in carbon has at its heart the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism. This is how the EU, which had an obligation under Kyoto to reduce its emissions by two per cent by 2012, has managed to claim success while actually increasing its emissions by 13 per cent. By purchasing so called “offsets” from countries such as China, Britain, for example, proclaims itself a “leader in the fight against climate change”. Most of this is entirely fraudulent, in the sense that the Chinese have been paid billions to destroy particular atmospheric pollutants, such as CFC-23, which have actually been manufactured in order to be destroyed – and for no other purpose.

Featured News

Traditional Teaching is not Obsolete

Artificial intelligence has come a long way. Unlike the rudimentary software of the past, modern-day programs such as ChatGPT are truly impressive. Whether you need a 1,000-word essay summarizing the history of Manitoba, a 500-word article extolling the virtues of...

Why Emissions Law Should Be Scrapped

However, the most powerful argument for repealing the Emissions Trading Act is that it was passed by a reluctant, divided and narrow majority in the dying days of Parliament in a manner that was undemocratic, failed to address the national interest, and in breach of longstanding constitutional conventions.

Cheap, Dirty, But Maybe Healthy

If our parties are serious organizations, why don’t they ask for contributions from their members and sympathizers, like Barack Obama did? His expensive campaign was in good part financed by millions of modest private donations via the Internet.

Now for the Real Shock Doctrine

As we are now witnessing, Klein’s disaster capitalist complex is a mythical creation, the shock doctrine of disaster capitalism an artificial construct. Disaster capitalism never got off the ground. From Russia to Canada to Europe and the United States under Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, there isn’t a country in the world that hasn’t undergone the experience of a political takeover by the left on the wave of a crisis.

Subject to Approval

The choice of early Canadians to remain closely tied to the British Empire had a major impact on the development of property rights in this country. Although we as a society tend to see ourselves as having more in common with the United States than with the United Kingdom, our system of land ownership, more accurately called real property ownership, does not permit the same level of rights and freedoms over the land we hold as the U.S. system affords. In the United States, landowners usually hold title to the mineral resources located beneath their land; in Canada, this is never the case.