Year: 2010

Dairy Farmers Still Milking All Of Us

“Supply management has remained basically unchanged since its inception more than 40 years ago. It has enriched dairy farmers, blackened Canada’s reputation as a free trading nation, forced Canadians to pay a hidden regressive tax on dairy products at the checkout counter and undermined the efficiency of both dairy farmers and commercial users of dairy products.”

Who Should Own Reserve Lands?

“The First Nation Property Ownership Initiative is drawing fire, with some calling it a proposal to transform reserve lands into fee simple holdings. This is incorrect. The legislation is intended to help first nations participate in the national economy on terms that most Canadians take for granted.”

Media Release – Abusing Canada’s Generosity and Ignoring Genuine Refugees:: An Analysis of Current and Still-needed Reforms to Canada’s Refugee and Immigration System

The asylum system in Canada is broken. It is unable to distinguish readily between migrants and genuine refugees. Canada spends more on refugee claimants than the budget of UN agency responsible for caring for 43.3 million refugees and others in camps around the world. A powerful lobby of special interests has blocked most reforms to fix it, and Canada now lags behind most asylum-granting countries in their legislation.

Time To Hold Climate Doomsayers To Account

The false idea is presented out of context then left uncorrected by lack of follow up. This is especially true if the story is a prediction. We need a media vehicle to analyze the story in context followed by the aftermath. It’s time for a program on which doomsayers who profited financially or politically from false stories and predictions confronted and held to account.

Featured News

Cities Rent Police, Janitors to Save Cash

After years of whittling staff and cutting back on services, towns and cities are now outsourcing some of the most basic functions of local government, from policing to trash collection. Services that cities can no longer afford to provide are being contracted to private vendors, counties or even neighboring towns.

A Green Retreat: Why the environment is no longer a surefire political winner.

With green politics losing its moral high ground, there is a growing realization that climate change is just one policy priority among many that compete for limited resources and attention. That means, first, that climate politics will likely fall off its pedestal of being the Western world’s overarching priority. Second, the new sobriety could give more space to a third stream of climate politics between those who see warming as an unmitigated catastrophe that must be stopped at any cost, and those who reject global warming as a hoax.