Year: 2010

Featured News

Health Insurance: Clear Diagnosis, Uncertain Remedy: Governments are increasingly turning to private insurance in order to widen access to health care and make it more efficient. Are they expecting too much?

“Governments want to spur private insurance in the hope of solving three big problems bedevilling their national systems of health care: inadequate access to care; soaring costs; and a paucity of innovation. They hope thus to improve their citizens’ health without tearing more holes in tattered public finances.”

Media Release – The Real Have-Nots in Confederation: Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia: How Canada’s equalization program creates generous programs and large governments in have-not provinces

British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario—the traditional “have” provinces—have fewer doctors and nurses per 100,000 people, higher tuition rates, fewer child care spaces, less social service spending, and higher educator-student ratios in comparison with Quebec, the major equalization recipient.