Netflix Doubts Future in Canada

“The ISPs’ costs to deliver a marginal gigabyte, which is about an hour of viewing, from one of our regional interchange points over their last mile wired network to the […]
Published on January 27, 2011

“The ISPs’ costs to deliver a marginal gigabyte, which is about an hour of viewing, from one of our regional interchange points over their last mile wired network to the consumer is less than a penny, and falling,” he said. “So there is no reason that pay-per-gigabyte is economically necessary.”

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After the recent CRTC decision requiring service providers to un-bundle access to their on-demand video programming, will they now require transparent un-bundling of data transport costs to the end consumer?

In answering the petition referred to in the article, will the CRTC consider the issue of whether on-demand services offered by integrated companies such as Bell, Rogers, Shaw and Quebecor should be subject to a data usage fee at a level comparable to the fee incurred by third party services like Netflix.

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