Toxic Light Bulbs

Those light-emitting diodes marketed as safe, environmentally preferable alternatives to traditional lightbulbs actually contain lead, arsenic and a dozen other potentially hazardous substances, according to newly published research.
Published on February 13, 2011

Those light-emitting diodes marketed as safe, environmentally preferable alternatives to traditional lightbulbs actually contain lead, arsenic and a dozen other potentially hazardous substances, according to newly published research. Watts up with That

I want a light that will work when it is – 40 outside.  The CFC’s do not work well when they are cold.

Government’s need to reconsider their efforts to ban the sale of traditional light bulbs because there is still a need for them in many applications.  In Canada in particular, the heat generated by light bulbs contributes to the space heating in buildings during the winter, so they are not nearly as inefficient in energy terms as some green lobbies claim.

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