Year: 2012

Businesses Don’t Pay Taxes

Repeat after me everyone: "Businesses don't pay taxes, people do." I wrote last week about companies using tax avoidance (not evasion) to reduce their tax bill. One of those companies, Starbucks, has announced that due to public pressure (and to protect their image),...

Former Toronto Mayor Calls for De-Amalgamating the Megacity

Amalgamating the seven municipalities that now constitute the City of Toronto was quite likely the biggest mistake made by the Government of Ontario in modern history. It was hugely unpopular — 76.8 percent of residents opposed amalgamation — and failed to create the projected savings. As I’ve argued in the past, the City of Toronto, as currently constituted, is essentially ungovernable.

Featured News

How We Teach Reading Really Does Matter

Reading is the most important skill taught in school. If students don’t learn how to read, not much else that happens there is going to matter. That’s because being able to read is important in virtually every job. Without the ability to read, life itself will be a...

Another politicised storm

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg blames climate change for Hurricane Sandy as a means to deflect attention from the fact that he didn’t do nearly enough to prepare for and deal with the storm.

You Had To Wait How Long For A Phone?

You might be forgiven for thinking that the days of waiting three to six months to get a phone hooked up at your house were long gone. Surely that was all fixed when the telephone companies were privatized and the efficiencies and competition of the market started...

Canada’s Organic Nightmare

A sustained assault is being levelled against agriculture across North America. It comes generally from environmentalists but more specifically from the organic industry, which survives, for the most part, by levelling unfounded attacks against any form of food that...