Year: 2012

Strengthening Fiscal Responsibility Through Decentralization: Empower local voters to increase government accountability and efficiency

The constitution allocates responsibility over most policy areas exclusively to the provinces or the federal government. But the federal government routinely oversteps its bounds. To create more accountable, more efficient government, the federal government should step back and allow the provinces and municipalities to fund and deliver the services that they are responsible for.

Mistakes galore in first 1/2 hour of Gore’s climate change marathon

The first segment of former Vice-President Al Gore’s “24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report” has just completed. Gore and his guests connected Hurricane Sandy and other tropical cyclones with global warming caused by human-induced greenhouse gas emissions (“carbon pollution”, they wrongly called carbon dioxide). Besides the fact that such a connection is impossible since there has been no overall global warming in 16 years, the concept is also wrong in principle.

Corruption costs

Gilles Vaillancourt, the mayor of Laval, Quebec, is the latest casualty of the Charbonneau inquiry into corruption in Quebec's construction industry, as he has announced he will be stepping down. Besides the obvious moral dimensions of corruption, kickbacks and...

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The Debate

Tomorrow, of course, is the big debate. The candidates will face each other to discuss the issues of the day, promote their ideas, prove their desire, and show to the public why they should be Mayor.