Year: 2012

Another Case of Municipal Corruption Highlights Need for Separation Between Council and City Administration

Today I had an article in the Huffington Post on how the City of Phoenix bars municipal politicians from getting directly involved in city operations to reduce the prospects for shading dealings with developers. I mentioned recent cases in Winnipeg and Toronto that may or may not have involved wrong doing. Sure enough, today’s National Post has an article about a Montreal corruption inquiry, in which a powerful Montreal politician has been accused of taking $300,000 in bribes.

Understanding Equalization

Last week, the Globe and Mail ran an article authored by John Ibbitson which profiled David MacKinnon, a Frontier Centre senior fellow and one of the country's leading critics of Canada's equalization program. David's work over the past several years has helped show...

Featured News

Why Germany Shuns Canada’s Debt Model

The federal government sends transfers to poorer provincial governments, which spend the money on social programs that would otherwise be beyond their means. Some of those programs – such as Quebec’s daycare and tuition subsidies – are more generous than programs in provinces that don’t qualify for transfers. This is exactly what German taxpayers are warning Ms. Merkel they won’t put up with.

The City that Successfully Outsourced (Almost) Everything

Residents of Sandy Springs, Georgia have tested the limits of municipal outsourcing. Incorportated in 2005, the city has contracted out virtually everything. The only two services that are delivered by the city are police and fire services, because the insurance premiums that would be required of private companies would be prohibitive. Everything else, even licensing, has been contracted out. The sky hasn’t fallen.

Will satellite bridge the digital divide?

The digital divide refers to the inability of a part of the population to access computers, digital media, and services available through broadband or high-speed internet.  Society is divided into those who do have access to digital communications technology and those...

Is Vancouver Really the Third Most Liveable City on Earth?

The Economist recently ranked Vancouver the third most liveable city on earth. While it certainly is a lovely city with many nearby amenities, it is also the second least affordable city in the English speaking world (surpassed only by Hong Kong). Vancouver is a very liveable city–if you’re wealthy. But for the middle class, it is a completely different story.