Year: 2013

The Employment Insurance ripoff

Source: Gregory Thomas, National Post, 20 November 2013 If Stephen Harper really wants to help working Canadians and their families, he needs to scrap the pork-barrelling Employment Insurance (EI) system designed by Pierre Trudeau, and give Canadians back their own...

The Undead Suburban Office Market

Source: Wendell Cox, NewGeography, 18 November 2013 The restoration of central city living and working environments has been one of the more important developments in the nation’s metropolitan areas over the past two decades. Regrettably, a good story has been...

Science and journalism take a vacation

A recent Times of London article claimed new “research” demonstrates that a “chemical onslaught is destroying Britain’s amphibians.” A “toxic cocktail,” it stated, is killing UK frogs, toads and newts. Manmade chemicals “can affect animals’ immune systems – leaving...

Featured News

Vouchers Should be Used to Fund Education

How do parents know if schools are good or bad? Parents tend to evaluate schools based on how well their kids master important academic skills such as reading and writing. How do taxpayers know if schools are good or bad? Taxpayers are more likely to think about how...

Exercise Your Right To Know

Manitoba’s Ombudsman is celebrating national Right to Know week (September 23 to 28), asserting our individual and democratic right to access government-held information and promoting open, accessible and transparent government. The Ombudsman notes that access to...

Public Private Partnerships

Introduction On 25th of September, the citizens of Regina will vote in a referendum for the first time in 20 years. The question? Whether the city should use a traditional contract to construct a new wastewater treatment plant or to proceed with the council’s...

First Nation set to build private hospital

Innovation in health care is coming from an unlikely place. A First Nation in British Columbia is using its unique constitutional position to create what is taboo in the rest of Canada. The self-governing Westbank First Nation is set to build a 100-bed hospital to...