Year: 2013

Common Sense Education VIII: Teachers’ Unions

Common Sense Education gives parents, teachers and students a direct window into the foolish fads that afflict our public education system. This eighth of ten episodes exposes the real reasons behind much of the advocacy done by teachers' unions. The series is written...

Featured News

Foreign Influence in Canadian Economy?

Foreign influence or interference has become a mediatic topic. The fear and suspicion of interference in the elections and democratic process have been in news headlines. For the western countries, the suspicion bears on Russia and China. Revisionist powers have a...

Overconfidence: the Achilles heel of global warming alarmists

What Canada 2020 panelists and organizers seem to not understand is that all planning for the future involves sensible risk assessment. This includes considering, not just the possible impacts of climate change, but also the likelihood of them actually coming about. And that means dealing with uncertainties. Lecturing Canadians about fictional global warming certainty when future climate states are anything but certain, does us all a disservice and, in the long run will sway no one not already committed to the scare.

Carbon Tax…Are Republicans Really That Stupid?

As much as I admire former Secretary of State George Shultz, and because I do, I was totally flummoxed by a recent Wall Street Journal article he co-authored with economist Nobel laureate Gary Becker. Incredulously, the two senior fellows at Stanford University’s conservative Hoover Institution expressed support for a “revenue neutral” tax on carbon.

BCE Acquisition of Astral Media Round 2 Part 2

Last week participants filed their objections to the second BCE application to acquire Astral Media.  There were 834 interventions in total, many of which are one-page letters of support or opposition. There are three different categories of organizations that filed...