Year: 2013

Taxis’ Fare Road to Profit: Restricted supply has inflated value of vancouver licence to $800,000

Gary Tarantino owns arguably the most valuable taxi in Vancouver, in an industry already known for its breathtakingly high licence values. Tarantino’s Licence 70384 could easily command more than $1 million in a business where the average Vancouver taxi costs $800,000. That’s because he is the last holdout of independent taxi owners in an industry where all of the other 687 licences are held by the city’s four taxi companies.

Mr. Suzuki’s Baseless, Irresponsible Immigration Claims

Imagine there was a policy that could reduce global poverty, conserve natural resources and help alleviate the coming retirement crisis, all while also fostering domestic economic growth. You would have to be either misinformed or malicious to oppose this policy, right? Well, this policy exists, and it’s called immigration.

Ironically, “progressive” hero David Suzuki has come out in favour of reducing immigration levels, only to be met with opposition from Conservative Minister of Immigration, Jason Kenney, who defended the value of immigration to Canada.

Fear, Shame and Silence – the New Hydro

Publius On the orders of its master, the NDP government of Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro doggedly continues to implement a risky and seemingly ever increasingly expensive development plan. (Is there anyone left that actually believes the forecasts of costs, export revenues...

Featured News

Sometimes, Politicians Get in the Way of Community

Recently, residents of Okotoks learned that it is illegal to skate on a neighbourhood pond. People who lived in the neighbourhood since it was built a decade ago were not aware that town council had changed the rules, making such a fun activity unlawful for their children. A town councillor said that she wants to save lives, though no lives have been threatened.

Nelson to import American Indian Movement

A Winnipeg chapter of the American Indian Movement will be formally organized on Saturday with Nelson, the former head of the Roseau River reserve, announcing Tuesday that three of 20 positions on the Grand Governing Council will be filled in a ceremony at Thunderbird House. Nelson said the Idle No More movement has engaged aboriginals.

Apprehending a Potential Boondoggle

As matters now stand, if government allows Hydro to ‘go over the cliff” with an inadequately tested commercial gamble and ‘things’ don’t work out as they plan (not much has, recently), while their leadership could walk away and retire (perhaps to a warmer climate), the general population of Manitoba cannot.