Year: 2014

Pipe, Dam and Electricity Dreams

A decision will shortly be made about whether to build the Keeyask and Conawapa hydroelectric dams and the associated Bipole III transmission line, which could cost Manitoba billions of dollars. This paper argues that, if approved, this will burden the next generation...

It’s Time for Internal Canadian Free Trade

Since taking office in 2006, the Harper government has negotiated over 40 separate international trade agreements and has championed the idea of free trade around the world as a means of economic and political liberalization and progress.  While Canada’s approach...

Featured News

Costs Soaring in Canada’s Schools

A new study jointly published today by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy and the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies shows that per-pupil education costs are soaring all across Canada. As taxpayers shoulder an ever-increasing burden, there is little evidence...

Funding Education in Manitoba: Let’s Pay Fair

Breakfast on the Frontier with Lorne Weiss, February 19, 2014. Thirty to forty percent of the direct cost of providing kindergarten to grade 12 education in Manitoba is paid for by property owners as a part of their property tax bill. In many cases property owners are...

Supply Management: Past its Expiration Date!

Lunch on the Frontier with Martha Hall Findlay, December 2, 2013 in Winnipeg. Despite a professed commitment to free trade, Canada has retained a staunchly protectionist supply management regime in several agricultural sectors, notably in the dairy industry. This...