Year: 2014

The Allocation of Resources and Degrees Awarded

Accountability, measured by results rather than inputs, is fast becoming a reality in Canadian universities, but administrators still claim they need more resources and fewer constraints on their spending. Over a seven-year period from 2001 to 2008, the resources for...

Featured News

Canada, what happened to We Stand On Guard For Thee?

Our firm Geophysical Service Incorporated creates seismic data which is our intellectual property. In Alberta and Saskatchewan you pay for a permit, follow all the rules, and work with surface landowners for access and you can invest in data. These governments do not...

Cabbies, customers deserve better

Winnipeg's taxi business represents a textbook case of what economists call "regulatory capture" -- the Taxicab Board pays more attention to protecting cab owners' capital gains than the needs of their customers, who want more cabs, better service and lower prices. In...

Project put big numbers in context

The StarPhoenix editorial Think tank lacks thought (SP, Jan. 27) about the Frontier Centre's Responsible Budgeting project explained that trying to compare the amount of money that a provincial government spends on health care or housing to the amount spent by the...

If Sask. was a typical family …

Joe Couture, The StarPhoenix, January 23, 2014 A new report from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy tries to make government budget numbers easier to understand by scaling them down to the size of an average household’s finances. “People have a very tough time...

What the Frac is Fracking?

Environmentalists frequently raise alarms about fracking, and Canadians should be given more information about the process. There are naturally-occurring fractures, but often rock formations are too impermeable to allow oil and gas to be extracted. A fracking fluid is...

Who would buy Manitoba Hydro?

As the next election approaches, Manitoba's NDP government will likely try to scare the public by trotting out its favourite hoary old political chestnut -- privatization. The NDP will increasingly accuse the opposition of "dark plans" to privatize Manitoba Hydro,...