Year: 2017

Avalanches of Global Warming Alarmism

Avalanches of Global Warming Alarmism

Throughout the United Nations Climate Change Conference wrapping up in Bonn, Germany this week, the world has been inundated with the usual avalanche of manmade global warming alarmism. The UN expects us to believe that extreme weather, shrinking sea ice, and sea...

Featured News

The Rosy Past

The Rosy Past

Most of us tend to be nostalgic about our ancestral past. Researching one’s family tree has become a popular and passionate pastime. We imagine that when our forefathers lived, things were simpler, and in some ways, better than the complicated lives we live now. But...

Content Knowledge Makes Learning Possible

Content Knowledge Makes Learning Possible

There is a longstanding debate among educators about the importance of specific content knowledge in the curriculum. Generally speaking, progressive educators favour a non-content specific learning process while traditional educators say there is a defined body of...

Content Knowledge is the Key to Learning

Content Knowledge is the Key to Learning

Today the Frontier Centre for Public Policy released a new report by Michael Zwaagstra, a well-known teacher, author, and Frontier Centre Senior Fellow. Content Knowledge is the Key to Learning critiques the fad of 21st Century Learning and makes the case for...