Profile Series: Dr. Ben Chavis

Many Americans know Ben Chavis, 60, from his pioneering work in the American Indian charter school movement, where he administered the acclaimed American Indian Public Charter School in Oakland, California. […]
Published on August 4, 2018

Many Americans know Ben Chavis, 60, from his pioneering work in the American Indian charter school movement,
where he administered the acclaimed American Indian Public Charter School in Oakland, California. He took the school over in July 2000, and it went from the worst school in the county to the number one school in California. It
was also ranked the number one school in the United States in 2012 and 2013.

Now that he is a retired educator, he is focusing on his extensive real estate and other business interests, such as agribusiness and waste management. Many may not know that Chavis is an accomplished business leader and investor in his own right, and a self-described “Indian capitalist” who is out to change the thinking of Native Americans and mainstream Americans alike.

He has been involved in business for close to 30 years. In 1983, he started his first business called American Delivery Systems. Since then, he has worked in leasing properties for various purposes.

Read the entire profile here: Profiles – Ben Chavis – 4

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