Profile Series: Bailey Mackey

For Māori business leader Bailey Mackey, entrepreneurs are born, not made. “You either have it or you don’t,” said the award-winning producer and CEO of Pango Productions, a production company […]
Published on September 15, 2018

For Māori business leader Bailey Mackey, entrepreneurs are born, not made.

“You either have it or you don’t,” said the award-winning producer and CEO of Pango Productions, a production company he founded that is involved in TV and movie productions around the world.

So far, Pango Productions has developed a strong focus on Māori content programming for wider audiences. After making a name for themselves in television shows, they moved over into the film business.

Being an entrepreneur, he said, involves a “massive appetite for risk” and good ideas, as well as the ability to execute those ideas. Capital also should not be a problem, he said, “If it’s a good idea, money will find good ideas.”

Read the PDF here: Profiles – Bailey Mackey – 1

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