Profile Series: Lee Timutimu

Lee Timutimu, 43, is leading the ideal life of an Indigenous entrepreneur by combining his love for Māori storytelling with his experience in information technology (IT) into a successful business. […]
Published on September 29, 2018

Lee Timutimu, 43, is leading the ideal life of an Indigenous entrepreneur by combining his love for Māori storytelling with his experience in information technology (IT) into a successful business.

Timutimu is the founder and CEO of Arataki Cultural Trails, an IT firm based in Tauranga, the largest city in the Bay of Plenty region, located on the North Island of New Zealand.

The tech startup company was founded in 2016 and is unique in that it is wholly owned and run by Māori tech entrepreneurs, all of whom bring their combined experience in Māori culture, information about the various tribes in New Zealand, and not to mention IT experience.

View the entire Profile here: Profiles – Lee Timutimu – 1

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