Year: 2018

Canada’s Multiculturalism Model

Canada’s Multiculturalism Model

Canada’s multiculturalism policy came together largely in response to the strong separatist movement that took hold in Quebec during the 1970s. Those were the days of the firebrand Rene Levesque and the extreme Rose brothers. Pierre Trudeau’s Liberal government...

Featured News

Regrets, I’ve Had a Few

Regrets, I’ve Had a Few

The Prime Minister mounted the National Apology Pulpit in Ottawa again this week by promising that at some point Parliament would express its regret for the McKenzie King government’s refusal in 1939 to grant asylum to German Jews aboard the MS St. Louis. The ship,...

But what is neither forgivable nor understandable is the reaction of federal politicians to the trial. Both the Prime Minister and the Justice Minister have joined in the chorus criticizing the decision of the twelve jurors. (~1 minute)

From Fish Marketing to Co-op

From Fish Marketing to Co-op

Many people expected that the end of the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation (FFMC) monopoly would lead to a disaster in Manitoba. It has not--fortunately. In fact, this move by the government may re-vitalize the Indigenous commercial fisheries in the northern part...

Reforming the Justice System

Reforming the Justice System

There has been considerable talk recently about reforming the justice system. The talk has become particularly shrill following the Bushie and Fontaine murder trials in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. In fact, the Justice Minister has said that she plans to eliminate...