Profile Series – Josie Alec

For Indigenous Australian entrepreneur Josie Alec, the Indigenous community of Australia should not stew in victimhood due to disadvantaged backgrounds but should seize business opportunities when they see them. “We […]
Published on February 19, 2019

For Indigenous Australian entrepreneur Josie Alec, the Indigenous community of Australia should not stew in victimhood due to disadvantaged backgrounds but
should seize business opportunities when they see them.

“We don’t have the luxury of despair, it’s time to rise up and create value within ourselves and do what we do best,” said Alec, an Indigenous Australian entrepreneur (and passionate teacher, artist, and singer-songwriter) who founded her own business The Jummi Factory, a homegrown cosmetic business, earlier last year. Alec said these words in a March 2018 news interview with the West Australian newspaper.

Read the entire Profile here. 

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