Year: 2020

Focused Protection Yes; Lockdown No

Focused Protection Yes; Lockdown No

In a crushing blow to small business and morale, Manitoba’s Premier has ordered a return to the very lockdown model that the World Health Organization (WHO) warned leaders to avoid. Premiers are being pressured by a Prime Minister who threatens to withhold money...

Obsession With Identity

Obsession With Identity

On my desk is a commemorative plate honouring the 1966 Grey Cup champions, the Saskatchewan Roughriders. On it are the pictures of football legend Ronnie Lancaster and his teammates. A quick scan of these portraits reveals something odd: just three of the players’...

Featured News

How We Teach Reading Really Does Matter

Reading is the most important skill taught in school. If students don’t learn how to read, not much else that happens there is going to matter. That’s because being able to read is important in virtually every job. Without the ability to read, life itself will be a...

Populism – The Orphan Child of Democracy

Populism – The Orphan Child of Democracy

Modern democracy is the crucible in which conflicts, grievances, rights, privileges, and power have been melded to produce a period of unprecedented peace following World War II, a period that gave rise to capitalism, to globalization, and to the vision of a global...

The Radiation Scandal Revealed

The Radiation Scandal Revealed

A scientific scandal of epic proportions has led to costly, overly restrictive regulations and harmed patients by greatly precluding the use of radiation in curative medicine. Dr. Edward J. Calabrese, Professor of Toxicology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst...

A Short History of Political Corruption

A Short History of Political Corruption

As public attention in Ottawa focuses on accusations of skullduggery and jiggery-pokery in the awarding of government contracts to certain charities, it may be useful to remember that corruption is as old as civilization. Those in authority, from the loftiest of...