Year: 2020

Featured News

Scholars Strike! The Nation Reels!

Scholars Strike! The Nation Reels!

Keen observers of the English language will have noticed the appearance of a new acronym. From the lips of CBC announcers, the keyboards of woke reporters and the throats of protestors comes a two-syllable word that defines a collective of the oppressed: BIPOC, short...

Parliamentary Prorogation Ploy

Parliamentary Prorogation Ploy

With the recent prorogation of parliament, Canadians face the chance of an election come September after the government introduces its Speech from the Throne. Many are criticizing the government’s decision to prorogue.  Perhaps as all the national parties prepare for...

Do 5G Promises Come with Real Human Costs?

Do 5G Promises Come with Real Human Costs?

As a science and technology aficionado who believes in using science to promote human health and prosperity, I was startled to find myself being classified as a Luddite in a recent commentary by authored by a Frontier Center research associate. The commentary was...

Social Media Giants, are They Too Big?

Social Media Giants, are They Too Big?

Recently we have heard a lot of discussion about whether various social media companies should be broken up or regulated, due to antitrust violations and whether they have the right, or responsibility, to monitor and censor the content of their user’s posts and...

Extremist Opportunism in the COVID Economy

Extremist Opportunism in the COVID Economy

As with the 2008 financial crisis, such an impact presents an opportunity for far-left and far-right extremists to recruit off the back of legitimate grievances. Coupled with the divisive nature of modern politics, as well as the fact that people are spending more...