Year: 2020

Rosa Parks and The BIPOC Café

Rosa Parks and The BIPOC Café

If you wonder how the social justice war is going, look no further than the University of Michigan-Dearborn. There, in the “diversity, equity and inclusion” activism that has all but replaced education in too many of our institutions of higher learning, the...

Homeschooling is an Option

Homeschooling is an Option

Many parents are frustrated by the limited educational choices their children have right now.  For example, a recent article in the Calgary Herald  (Ferguson, “Parents regretting in-person classes with no options to go online”), suggests that parents are concerned...

Your Life under the Green New Deal

Your Life under the Green New Deal

During the cantankerous September 29 presidential “debate,” candidate Joe Biden proclaimed “I am the Democratic Party.” He is in charge, he insisted, and his views will be Democrat policy. Others aren’t so sure – about that, about what his views actually are, or about...

Featured News

No Glory in This Hole: Bad Advice From B.C.

No Glory in This Hole: Bad Advice From B.C.

The B.C. Centre for Disease Control threw logic out the window with their “COVID-19 and Sex” advice. Glory holes aren’t the only thing to peek at here. From start to finish, the document reveals contradiction, ignorance, and even hypocrisy. First up, “If you’re...

Fracking and the Duty to Consult

Fracking and the Duty to Consult

When we start discussing the inevitable economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic, both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick should lift restrictions on natural gas fracking. Natural gas prices are at lows, but that will not stay the case forever. Energy industry...

Escaping Responsibility

Escaping Responsibility

In 1970 Claude Charron was the youngest member ever elected to the National Assembly of Quebec. Re-elected a few times and as a high-profile cabinet minister, Charron astounded everyone by being caught red-handed trying to steal a tweed jacket from an Eaton’s store....

Let’s Open the Economy

Let’s Open the Economy

Manitoba is temporarily in an enviable position COVID-wise. Both compared to our southern neighbors and even to most of our fellow provinces. But, this is mainly because few people travel to Manitoba in winter. Travelers from western provinces are now allowed to enter...

CBC Indigenous Unit and Journalism

CBC Indigenous Unit and Journalism

Years ago, I was given a great opportunity to be the lead reporter and do the editing work for a national Indigenous newspaper based in Winnipeg. It was called the Drum/First Perspective newspaper and it covered Indigenous news in Manitoba and around Canada. The paper...