Year: 2020

Scholars Strike! The Nation Reels!

Scholars Strike! The Nation Reels!

Keen observers of the English language will have noticed the appearance of a new acronym. From the lips of CBC announcers, the keyboards of woke reporters and the throats of protestors comes a two-syllable word that defines a collective of the oppressed: BIPOC, short...

Parliamentary Prorogation Ploy

Parliamentary Prorogation Ploy

With the recent prorogation of parliament, Canadians face the chance of an election come September after the government introduces its Speech from the Throne. Many are criticizing the government’s decision to prorogue.  Perhaps as all the national parties prepare for...

Featured News

Politics and the 2020 Plague

Politics and the 2020 Plague

The Great Plague of 2020, like other disasters before it, has brought forth moves by governments to implement emergency powers that would not have been allowed to the ruler in normal times. Across the United States, governors have triggered clauses that grant them...

Just Delaying the Inevitable?

Just Delaying the Inevitable?

We are in lockdown to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Schools are emptied and businesses deemed non-essential closed. We must know that we are saddling the next generation with crushing debt and enormous social costs. The rationale is by social distancing measures...

Taxes Cost More Than You Think

Taxes Cost More Than You Think

Amidst the pandemic, the federal government has just given Canadians an extra month to file their taxes (the new deadline is June 1). As people prepare their tax returns, some might wonder if they are getting good value for all the taxes they pay. The answer is that...