Brian Peckford: Original Signed Patriation Agreement

‘Theses pages are copies of the original signed Patriation Agreement agreed to November 5, 1981. This became The Constitution Act of 1982  in which the Charter f Right and Freedoms […]
Published on March 22, 2022

‘Theses pages are copies of the original signed Patriation Agreement agreed to November 5, 1981. This became The Constitution Act of 1982  in which the Charter f Right and Freedoms is found. This was the result of 17 months of negotiation among the First Ministers of Canada  and after the failed attempt  of the Federal Government to unilaterally  Patriate the Constitution with  its own Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

It marks the first time that Canada had in its Constitution written rights and freedoms that applied to all Canadians. ‘


Honourable A. Brian Peckford P.C.
Last surviving First Minister who helped craft the documents

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