Speech to the We Unify Conference In Victoria, BC, June 23, 2024 Because of time constraints at the conference this complete address was not given. But here it is! History and Application of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms—The Charter —My Magna Carta —Our...
Brian Peckford
Peckford: Hallelujah! Supreme Court of Canada to Hear Newfoundland and Labrador Charter Case
In what can only be considered a surprise move the SCC has agreed to hear an appeal of a decision of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland. Surprise because the Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal refused to hear the appeal of this exact case. For the Appeal Court...
Peckford: The Legality and Morality of Our Country Are No Longer Aligned
“Our legal system may find me/us guilty, but the legality and morality of our country are no longer aligned.” This is a part of the statement by Marco Huigenbos of the Coutts three after being found guilty of mischief for behaviour at the Alberta border during the...
Peckford: How Good It Is to See Some Independent Constitutional Thinkers! Surely, We Will Find Some in Canada?
Curious readers of my blog might have noticed that in a recent blog of mine on the career of the Professor of Constitutional Law, Seth Barrett Tillman, by Tablet ‘s Amen Rosen, I highlighted one of Professor Tillman’s quotes. It was: “That is: If you’re trying to...
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
Brian Peckford: Supreme Court Of Canada Rules —Hockey Players Could Train Indoors But Christians Could Not Pray Together
This is a scandalous verdict by the SCOC (6 to 3) on the Manitoba case brought by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms on behalf The Gateway Baptist Church challenging the closure of churches and restricting outdoor assembly. The JCCF in their reaction to...
Peckford: Canada’s Hamartia- Now That We Can Amend Our Constitution We Have No Leadership To Do So
One of the important arguments in the negotiations leading to the Patriation Agreement/Constitution Act 1982 was we needed to be able to amend our Constitution. No more reference to Great Britain’s Parliament. We can set our own Constitutional course—to be a truly...
Peckford: Where Are We?
I have been writing this blog since 2015. I have been covering many of the major issues facing our country and the wider world. It seems that humankind has hit the wall. I remember reading the thoughts of the late evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould about...
Peckford: New Brunswick’s Auditor General Tells the Truth —Province Had No Evidence For Their Covid Measures
Well, one day the truth might come out. At least we have one honest public servant! When I asked the Premiers to refer their measures to their highest court the Premier of New Brunswick was the only one who responded to say they would do their own study. Well, if this...
Peckford: The Million People March
——It’s About Parental Rights And The Family and the Provincial Parliaments and Provincial
Governments! The People Must Exert Their Power!!
Peckford: Trucker Civil Disobedience Heroes
And so it has come to this - A System which sees its top Judge speak despairingly about people who later are to come before the very system over which he presides. A System that sees the Prime Minister of this country violate the Conflict of Interest law five times...
Peckford: A System Problem Not a Party Problem
It’s Not Just Trudeau —But All The Federal Leaders In Parliament And Even More So The Premiers Of The Provinces And Leaders of The Territories—It’s a System Problem Not a Party Problem. One of the most frustrating parts of being a freedom fighter and a defender...
Peckford: Stopping the Four Orwellian Horsemen —Big Government, Big Press, Big Pharma and Big Tech
Unrealistic—Salim Mansur Essay On Constitutional Change entitled ‘Canada is constitutionally broken, and by the will of the people it can be fixed.’ I appreciate Professor Salim Mansur’s essay concerning Constitutional Change. Unlike many academics today he is...
Peckford: The Central, Federal Nanny State In Full Bloom
I had no sooner warned of the now settled extra federal influence over health care, an exclusive provincial jurisdiction constitutionally, than the federal minister fines the provinces for violating the Canada Health Act, validating my point! Here is the news report...