Peckford: Trucker Civil Disobedience Heroes

And so it has come to this – A System which sees its top Judge speak despairingly about people who later are to come before the very system over which […]
Published on September 5, 2023

And so it has come to this –

A System which sees its top Judge speak despairingly about people who later are to come before the very system over which he presides.

A System that sees the Prime Minister of this country violate the Conflict of Interest law five times and is still Prime Minister and is still sitting in the House of Commons.

A System which freezes the bank accounts of people who exercise their constitutional rights to protest.

A System which ignores the Constitutional provision of the ‘Supremacy of God ‘and ‘the rule of law ‘.

A System that ignores independent science and legitimate alternate medical products to push its own flawed narrative.

A System that advocates the lie of ‘safe and effective.’

A System that deliberately attempts to malign people like Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Byram Bridle and Dr. Jordan Peterson.

A System that refuses to hear the views of the only living first minister that signed the Patriation Agreement, the foundation document of the Constitution Act 1982 which includes the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

A System that sees the elected representatives in the Federal Parliament and Parliaments of the Provinces and the Territories. continue to re-enforce this travesty upon its citizens.

Our ancestors in British North America fought for and gained representative and responsible Government even before Canada became a country through the BNA Act of 1867.

Whence Canada’s democracy??


The Honourable A. Brian Peckford P.C. is the last living First Minister who helped craft the Canadian Charter of Rights

Watch –  Leaders on the Frontier: Brian Peckford on Saving Canada’s Democracy | Frontier Centre For Public Policy (  January 20, 2022.

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