Canadian Politicians Urged to Confront Growing Threat of Eco-Terrorism

WINNIPEG, March 19, 2024 – A new study has issued a compelling call to Canadian politicians and policymakers to address the escalating danger posed by eco-terrorism within the country. The […]

WINNIPEG, March 19, 2024 – A new study has issued a compelling call to Canadian politicians and policymakers to address the escalating danger posed by eco-terrorism within the country. The report, titled “Confronting Eco-Terrorism: A Wake-Up Call for Canada,” highlights the urgent need for action in response to a rising tide of extremism fueled by exaggerated beliefs about climate change.

The study by Joseph Quesnel, research associate with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy underscores the disquieting trend of individuals being radicalized by alarmist narratives surrounding climate change, leading to increasingly extreme tactics that threaten public safety. Drawing parallels with international incidents, such as the tragic deaths of Lisa Webber and Dr. Habiba Hajallie in London[i], the report warns of the potential for similar tragedies to occur within Canada if decisive measures are not taken.

According to Quesnel, eco-extremism in Canada is particularly directed at oil and natural gas pipelines and is often led by anarchists under the guise of “anarcho-Indigenism.” These extremists, motivated by so-called “anti-colonial” views and climate change alarmism, pose a significant threat to infrastructure and public safety.

Furthermore, the study sheds light on the connections between eco-extremist groups and other movements, such as pro-Palestinian extremism, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing radicalization and extremism in all its forms.

Quesnel stresses the importance of recognizing and confronting the ideological biases that contribute to the underestimation of eco-terrorism within Canadian institutions and society at large. “It is imperative that we acknowledge the real and present danger posed by eco-terrorism and take decisive action to prevent further escalation,” he writes.

The report calls for a co-ordinated effort involving federal government agencies, law enforcement, academia, and the media to counter the spread of extremist ideologies and mitigate the risk of eco-terrorism in Canada. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes of radicalization, including the role of alarmist climate change rhetoric in driving individuals towards extreme viewpoints.

As Canada grapples with the complex challenges posed by rising eco-extremism, the findings of this study serve as a stark reminder of the need for proactive measures to safeguard our communities and uphold the principles of safety and security for all Canadians.

For media inquiries or to request a copy of the full report, please contact:

For more information:

Joseph Quesnel
Research associate

David Leis
VP Development and Engagement

About the Frontier Centre for Public Policy

The Frontier Centre for Public Policy is an independent, non-partisan think tank that conducts research and analysis on a wide range of public policy issues. Committed to promoting economic freedom, individual liberty, and responsible governance, the Centre aims to contribute to informed public debates and shape effective policies that benefit Canadians.

Read the report here. (24 pages)

[i] Just Stop Oil ‘have blood on their hands’ as two women die after Dartford Bridge protest – Daily Express


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