Profile Series – Lenny O’Meara

Lenny O’Meara – an Indigenous Australian entrepreneur and business leader – believes that Indigenous people can make a living by adding value to activities they have always done. “For Indigenous […]
Published on February 25, 2019

Lenny O’Meara – an Indigenous Australian entrepreneur and business leader – believes that Indigenous people can make a living by adding value to activities they
have always done.

“For Indigenous people, gubinge is a good source of income and if it’s managed right it can be a big and profitable business,” said the co-founder and owner of Kimberley Wild Gubinge, in a 2017 Weather News story on the Australian Willy Weather online site.

“It’s just a matter of Indigenous people getting the support and building an industry,” he said, expressing his belief that tapping into the industry can economically
empower Indigenous communities. This is especially important given that the bush fruit grows wild and does not even need to be grown. Indigenous people just need to harvest it.

Read the entire Profile here.

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